My classes are for you if:
¡Reserva tu clase de prueba gratis y empieza hoy mismo!
Cada conversación es una oportunidad. Atrévete a hablar español con confianza y abre nuevas puertas en tu vida.
Hi! My name is Marco and I'm a Spanish teacher with over 10 years of experience.
I live in Baja California, Mexico.
My goal is clear: to help you speak Spanish with confidence.
My classes are 100% personalized and adapted to your needs.
I'm the author of "Rastros en la Niebla" (Traces in the Fog), a novel specifically written for A2 level Spanish students. It combines an intriguing mystery story with carefully selected vocabulary and structures to reinforce your learning.
Literature, Philosophy, Art and Technology.
First we understand through stories, then we discover how Spanish works.
Bachelor in Philosophy, Software Engineer.
Forget about memorizing lists of rules. With my method, you'll learn Spanish naturally through stories and real situations.
Your brain learns languages better through meaningful stories, not by memorizing rules.
Today I ate pizza, but yesterday I ate tacos. I visited Mexico three times, but in 2019 I went to Argentina.
Instead of memorizing grammar rules, I'll help you discover how Spanish works naturally.
Why do I say 'I have eaten' here but 'I ate' there? Do you notice when I use each one?
After seeing enough Spanish, you'll start using correct grammar without thinking about it.
For 'ser' and 'estar', we don't memorize lists. SER = Who you are: You are smart. ESTAR = How you are right now: You are happy today.
You'll use what you learn in real conversations about things that matter to you.
Tell me three things you did yesterday and three things you have done this week.
No se trata de aprender más reglas, sino de vivir el español. Sumérgete, conéctate y disfruta el camino.
¿Tienes alguna consulta o sugerencia? Haz clic en el botón para enviarme un correo y me pondré en contacto contigo.